Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Bathroom.

When I explained to the kids that in Japan they fill the tub and keep it filled and reuse the water they were very against it. It works like a hot tub you fill it and set the water temperature and it stays at that temp. In the picture you can see it has a cover to keep the heat in. I told them you shower off and get clean before you get in the tub and soak. There is no soap in the tub it will wreak the system.  Well not one of them liked the idea. Hannah said "yuck you sit in someone else's water?"  They were all complaing. I was excited to have a tub large enough to soak in, but I have always loved a bath myself. Well, this morning they all used it and must have loved it because later in the day they were fighting over who was going first for the second round. They are all extra squeaky clean today.


  1. that's hilarious! I would be interested to hear what you guys have to say about the toilets and their "undercarriage cleaning" features! :) best of luck, stay safe
    Katie Chisium

  2. Oh they love the toilets too. I tried for a long time not showing them how it works because I didn't want a mess but they figured it out. It is not hard the buttons have pictures on them.
