Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm a new owner of a Mazda Van!

Today was quite an adventure. We started early walking to the train in the rain. Kol and Evelyn both slipped on a grate and hit the ground hard. At the train station Lily slipped getting on the train and fell between the train and the platform. Thank goodness a Japanese women was standing right there and caught her. My driving test was on base at 9:15am, so we were riding the train in morning traffic to get to the base in time to catch the bus on base to get me to my appointment on time. The train was crowded but not too bad. I passed my test, which I was a little nervous about because you are not allowed to drive at all without a license so my first time driving on the left was at my test. After I passed we walked straight to the used car lot and I called about a van that was new to the lot since Saturday when I had checked. They go fast so I jumped on it. The women was very helpful. The process to get insured and registered is complicated when you have not done it before. Space in Japan is limited, so I need permission from the police department saying I have enough room at my house to park my car in order to get it registered and that takes 3 days. Someone has to come out and measure my spot to make sure my van fits. It will, I have enough space for 2 cars. I was able to get a temporary registration and drive it home. I made it, in the dark with no problems. It was a very long day and I'm glad I have a car again, finally.  I wish I had a picture to post, but by the time I got home it was dark. I'm exhausted. The kids had swimming lessons in amongst all the chaos today.

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