Friday, July 6, 2012

Laundry day!!

Well it is Friday and we have been here over two weeks. Somedays it feels like I just got here, but then I think about all we have done and learned and it feels like a lifetime.
Starting with our trip here followed by 5 days of serious messed up sleep. We learned to ride the train and to use the public toilet, then the one at home that squirts you. We then learned how to bathe in a new way. I had to figure out all my appliances that are in Japanese and to drive on the left, which is much easier than I thought it would be. Tonight I did laundry and here in Japan we hang our clothes. My hallway is full of them. I will need more bars and clips to keep going or wait till tomorrow. In front of a couple of the windows in the house you can hang clothes incase it is raining outside, which tonight it is. We got here during the rainy season.
We have learned so much, but there is still so much left to learn, like a whole language. Yes (Hai), no (iie), Good morning (ohayo gozaimasu), thank you (arigatou) and excuse me (sumimasen) will not be good enough to get us by.

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